Friday, March 24, 2017

Dissonance Blog Week 10

Systems lock is coming up fast, Wednesday March 29. The team still has some systems that have to be fleshed out.

These include:
    -Drawer Cabinet
    -Breakable Objects
-API Puzzle Logic
   -Sequence - needs to be tested
    -Cassette - needs to be tested
-VCR - needs to be tested
-Phone Calls
-Phone Settings Menu - minor tweaking

I was tasked with making the VCR. The VCR is a type of special collision that checks to see if a tape is interacting with it. If it is, the VCR will play an animation of the tape going into it. Then the player can control to play, stop or eject the tape. When the player plays the tape the material on the television's screen will change to the material stored in the tape blueprint.

Right now most of the major systems are in progress or just need to be tested and tweaked.  If we keep working as fast as we have been these last couple of weeks. The systems lock shouldn't bother us.