This Saturday, April 1, our game is going to QA. The QA sessions contains the normal time at 5:30, where the testers are students, but also at 10:00 am, where the testers are accepted students. So we made the game as stable as we could. The only things that crash the game are touching the radio and touching the piano but it only happens sometimes.
This week, I was working with the other programmer and we modified a lot of little things in the game. We mostly worked in improving the puzzle API. We changed it so that the designers can specify when a puzzle is complete a message doesn't have to send. Added an early out for when the a touch puzzle is complete to return out, if it is ever updated again. We also changed it so in the Object in Zone puzzles can make all the hidden actors appear when the puzzle is complete. All these little changes just makes the API more flexible for what the designers have in mind.